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at Greenbank Farm

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The Friesian Sanctuary at Greenbank Farm provides lifelong home and best care to Friesian horses in need who in turn offer sanctuary to humans through the Friesian Experiences we offer, both in-person and on-line. Friesian Wellness—their health and happiness--has always been our cornerstone. From our approach to breeding and training when we imported our first horses in 2005, through the work of our carriage driving business, Black Horses, Ltd. As Tracey’s success in breeding and training Friesians became known, she was sought out by both prospective and current Friesian owners for advice. On occasion, she took in horses for training with the goals of improved wellness, communication and connection between horse and his/her human, and performance. This component—Education--soon became our second cornerstone, both of which led to the founding of The Friesian Experience in 2010.

However, an unsettling experience in 2015, followed by similar others, would start to shift the aims of The Friesian Experience.

These experiences necessarily led to operating The Friesian Experience as a non-profit sanctuary and starting two programmes: The Friesian Foster Programme, and The Friesian Rescue and Surrender Programme.

If this work and what we’re about is meaningful to you, please consider lending us your support. We invite support in a variety of ways, whether financial, by volunteering, or through positive presence on our on-line platforms. (Since 2020, all the extensive on-line content Tracey and the team provide is offered free of charge).

Become a YouTube subscriber, a Facebook follower, bookmark our web site...Attend one of our events or book a night in Stable Stays or treat yourself to a rejuvenating session in the Friesian Friendship Barn...Become a Monthly Patron, make an Instant Donation, purchase items for the horses from our Wishlists, or pick up some Merch—it  all makes a huge difference in the lives of the Friesians and those of us who provide their care!

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Tracey had taken on a Friesian at the farm for training. In time, the horse’s owner quit paying their bills and cut off all communication, essentially abandoning the horse. That horse was the beautiful Hannes, our “Angel Eyes.” He was not to be sold on or euthanised, but rather deserved a permanent home with love and best possible care. This is no small commitment, financial or otherwise, especially given existing health issues--but it was the right thing to do.


Sadly, this scenario would play out several more times. There are always so many heartbreaking stories of changes in circumstances that jeopardise the ability of an owner to properly care for or keep their beloved horse. In many cases, the circumstances are temporary and with a period of support, the storm could be weathered, resulting in reunion. In other cases, circumstances are sadly more permanent, requiring rehoming.

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