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Friesian Rescue & Surrender ProgramME

Rescue Friesian Experience Black Horses

While it’s a situation no one wants to face, it’s necessary for every owner to know when your situation warrants rehoming your horse. This difficult process can be done respectfully and with care for all concerned, including the horse.

As not all reasons for rehoming are financial, we may ask for a donation to the Sanctuary to help with the initial costs of bringing your Friesian under our care. Regardless, if you have a Friesian in the UK in need of rescue and surrender, please email Tracey. She’ll be happy to talk through options with you.

Taking in a Friesian for rehoming is a costly endeavour. Before rehoming can occur, a period of assessment is required. The horse needs to settle in and arrive at a new normal before adequate assessment of his/her mental and emotional health can occur. Their physical health has to be evaluated and depending on what conditions are known or subsequently found, veterinarian bills can mount. If a horse arrives underweight and deconditioned, special feed, supplements, medication, or adjunct care may be required in addition to an adequate amount of haylage. It all adds up.

While we do what we can to support this necessary investment through our Experiences, we rely on contributions from our supporters to give these deserving horses the chance they deserve to find a new, permanent home.

If this work and what we’re about is meaningful to you, please consider lending us your support. We invite support in a variety of ways, whether financial, by volunteering, or through positive presence on our on-line platforms.

(Since 2020, all the extensive on-line content Tracey and the team provide is offered free of charge).

Become a YouTube subscriber, a Facebook follower, bookmark our web site...Attend one of our events or book a night in Stable Stays or treat yourself to a rejuvenating session in the Friesian Friendship Barn...Become a Monthly Patron, make a one-time Donation, purchase items for the horses from our Wishlists, or pick up some Merch—it  all makes a huge difference in the lives of the Friesians and those of us who provide their care!

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